Cherokee County Public Health will provide COVID-19 updates and details through Cherokee Regional’s website dedicated COVID-19 page, Cherokee Regional’s Facebook page, Cherokee County Public Health’s Facebook page, local area newspapers, KCHE radio, and other forms of communication throughout the communities we serve in Cherokee County.
To protect our patients, families, employees and community, and to prevent further spread of germs, visitor restrictions have been implemented. Updated Visitor Restrictions 5-22-23
What does it mean now that the Public Health Emergency is ending?
- May 11, 2023 officially ends the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Remain up-to-date on vaccinations and stay home when you are ill
- COVID and other illnesses are still easily transmitted to vulnerable individuals in our community. Remain considerate of others and your own vaccination status to stay healthy.
- No more positive tests reported to the state
- Public health will continue to monitor COVID spread just like all other respiratory illnesses.
- Test Iowa at home Remains through 2023
- Test Iowa will remain an option for FREE at home testing through the end of 2023.
- Medicaid Continuous coverage requirement ends April 1, 2023*
- Most Iowa Medicaid members must have a full eligibility renewal completed before their coverage can be discontinued.
- * Need help with your Medicaid or Hawki renewal? Contact Member services at 800-338-8366. Agents can help you walk through your renewal and direct you to the correct resources depending on when your renewal is due. For additional information visit
Cherokee County COVID-19 Vaccine Updates:
Cherokee County Public Health encourages those 6 months and older to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Contact your local provider, Cherokee County Public Health, or pharmacy for details on how to get vaccinated.
Additional Dose and Boosters of COVID-19 Vaccine :
- COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters
- Click the above link and scroll to the “Find Out When to Get a Booster” tool to help you determine when or if you can get one or more COVID-19 boosters.
- COVID-19 isolation guidelines can be found here.
COVID-19 Testing:
- If you are feeling severely ill, please schedule an appointment with your provider.
- If you are having mild symptoms, Cherokee Regional’s four clinic locations and Cherokee County Public Health have limited inventory of the FREE Quidel QuickVue At-Home Rapid Test Kits available. Please visit your local clinic for your FREE kit. For more information on using your in-home test kits, please click here.
- If you are a student, the Cherokee Regional Laboratory provides free testing (while supplies last): Fill out this short Student Testing Request Form and then please call Cherokee Regional Medical Center Laboratory to schedule your COVID-19 test collection at 712.225.1514.

If you are ill & suspect you were exposed to COVID-19:
COVID-19 is spreading throughout the US and is present in Iowa. Cherokee Regional Medical Center is asking patients to take precautions to help keep themselves and others safe! First, call your clinic or Cherokee Regional Medical Center if you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath. A health professional will conduct a phone screening, then advise you on further action.
- Cherokee Regional Medical Center Emergency Department – 712.225.5101
- Cherokee Medical Clinic – 712.225.6265
State & Federal Resources:
Iowa Department of Public Health – Up-to-date information on diagnosed cases in Iowa, news bulletins and prevention tips.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – The CDC is monitoring the spread of COVID-19 across the United States, and serves as a source for the latest information.