(December 23, 2021)Since being established in 2007, the Cherokee Regional Medical Center Foundation has raised thousands of dollars to help support the mission and service offerings of Cherokee Regional. The brain child of past CEO, John Comstock, the original Cherokee Regional Foundation Board consisted of several retired Cherokee Regional Board of Directors and community business leaders. These individuals laid the groundwork for the Foundation and developed it into a for mal non-profit mechanism to receive charitable donations in support of Cherokee Regional Medical Center.
To keep the vison of the original foundation board alive, a new Cherokee Regional Foundation board was recruited and formally put into action earlier this year. “We are very fortunate that past Cherokee Regional leadership and board members had the foresight to establish the Foundation back in 2007,” says Kent Lundquist VP of Development & Support Services/ Foundation Director at Cherokee Regional. “We are very excited to have a revitalized and highly engaged new board in place to begin the next chapter of the Foundation.”
A few of the many projects the Foundation has supported over the years include… Purchasing new equipment for the Cardio/Pulmonary Rehab Department; the development of the current hospice garden on the Cherokee Regional campus; the purchase of new furniture in the OB Department; and enhancements to the oncology services at Cherokee Regional.
“The Foundation has supported many great projects in the past to the benefit of our patients, visitors, and staff,” explains Lundquist. “The new board is driven to strategically support Cherokee Regional through increased awareness of the Foundation and enhanced fundraising efforts.”
Lundquist encourages everyone to consider supporting their local area hospital through a tax deductible contribution to the Cherokee Regional Foundation in one of the following ways…
- Year End Gifts- Do you have plans to make a year end, charitable donation to a worthy cause? Consider a tax deductible gift to the Cherokee Regional Foundation and also keep the Foundation in mind for your 2022 giving plans. Donations can be sent to: Cherokee Regional Foundation, Attn: Kent Lundquist, 300 Sioux Valley Drive, Cherokee, IA 51012. Or donate by visiting cherokeermc.org/product/donate.
- Gifts of Grain- For donors who actively engage in farming, significant tax savings may be achieved through a direct donation of grain. The Cherokee Regional Foundation has an account set up with First Cooperative Association (FCA). Farmers wishing to donate grain may simply deliver the grain to any FCA location and at time of delivery, notify the receiving FCA facility of their wishes to donate grain to the Cherokee Regional Foundation.
- Planned Gifts- You can do something extraordinary for future generations with a planned gift to the Cherokee Regional Foundation. Whether you would prefer to name the Foundation in your will, through a gift of real estate, a stock gift, or other planned methods, your gift will make a tremendous impact on the health care needs of your community for years to come.
If you would like to learn more about the Cherokee Regional Foundation and how you can positively impact the future of health care in your community, please feel free to contact Kent Lundquist at 712.225.3368, ext. 2202.
Lorna Kohn- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Chair
Weston Burkhardt- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Vice-Chair
Jessica Knippel- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Secretary/Treasurer
Cherokee Regional Staff Representative
Duane Henke- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Member
Lynn Ivarson- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Member
Gary W. Jordan- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Member
CEO/President of Cherokee Regional Medical Center
Dr. Wes Parker- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Secretary/Treasurer
Cherokee Regional Medical Staff Representative
Jana Timmerman- Cherokee Regional Foundation Board Member