Cherokee Regional Medical Center Friday, Jul 15, 2022


Stressing the importance of promoting active lifestyles and preventative health initiatives, Cherokee Regional Medical Center (Cherokee Regional) has donated $40,000 to the Marcus Trail Project.

The recent donation of $40,000 helped wrap up phase one of the Marcus Trail Project. Graciously accepting the donation from the Cherokee Regional Board of Directors and Administration were various members of the Marcus Trail Committee, including spokesperson Anna Erdman. “We are extremely pleased that Cherokee Regional Medical Center has taken a lead role with a donation of this magnitude”, says Erdman. “CRMC’s commitment will has allowed us to reach the critical fundraising mark of $100,000 and has opened the door for us to pursue grants and other substantial funding initiatives more quickly than we ever expected.”

Cherokee Regional officials stated that the main objectives of the Marcus Trail Program to promote safety, wellness, and community enhancement, as well as addressing the needs recognized during previous Community Health Needs Assessments, served as major factors in choosing to support the trails project through this funding.

Gary Jordon, CEO/President of Cherokee Regional states, “Besides being a leading provider of quality rural healthcare, one of the main priorities of Cherokee Regional is to support the communities in which we serve, live and enjoy. This is especially true when it comes to backing projects that will help us to address issues identified through our periodic Community Health Needs Assessment process.” (Note: Those interested in providing important feedback for the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment are invited to complete a short survey regarding the current healthcare needs within the county and surrounding communities. The survey can be accessed here and you can review previous CHNAs by visiting the Cherokee Regional CHNA webpage.)

As evidenced by previous donations within numerous communities they serve, Cherokee Regional has a history of supporting projects that promote health and wellness, education, and community betterment. This donation serves as a testament to the Cherokee Regional Board of Directors’ commitment to contribute to worthwhile endeavors as they fall within the scope of Cherokee Regional’s mission.

Since being formed four years ago, the Marcus Trail Committee has worked diligently to raise money through various fundraisers including the Marcus Trail Color Run, private donations, and by pursuing various grant opportunities. These funds will be used to enhance and develop new trails within the Marcus community.

According to members of the Marcus Trail Committee, the ultimate long-term goal is to have a working trail system throughout the entire city of Marcus and perhaps even connecting with surrounding area communities someday.

To learn more about the Marcus Trails project, or for information on how to donate to this cause, you may contact Marcus City Hall at 376-4715 or via email at Check out the Marcus Trail Facebook Page to get updates on the project

Representatives from Cherokee Regional Medical Center recently presented a check symbolizing the $40,000 donation to various members of the Marcus Trail Project. Pictured from left to right include: Olivia Wester – Marcus Trail Committee Member, Kayla Holmes – Marcus Trail Committee Member, Kerry Hurd – Cherokee Regional Board, Kaitlin Letsche – Marcus Trail Committee Member, Clay Leavitt – Cherokee Regional Board, Anna Erdman Marcus Trail Committee Member and Cherokee Regional Physical Therapist, Abby Tentinger, ARNP-C Marcus Medical Clinic, Kayla Koch Cherokee Regional Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Manager, and Gary Jordan- CEO/President of Cherokee Regional.